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16 April, 2021

Spring-Summer Collection. 10 artists, 10 shops with history

several prints in front of a window overlooking Lisbon
O Mundo do Livro - shop with history ©José Frade

We’ll be window shopping at traditional and historic stores, enjoying works by contemporary artists.

Ten artists were invited to create a work of art for the shop windows of some of the oldest and most iconic shops in the Baixa-Chiado area.

With everything from painting to sculpture, the artists used a range of techniques and worked closely with the shopkeepers. In so doing, they added a new chapter to the already long stories of these Shops with History.

The installations will be on display until 15 May and can be visited separately or as part of a tour.


O Mundo do Livro

Largo da Trindade 11-13
Joana da Conceição
De Dentro (
From Within), 2021

Livraria Ferin

R. Nova do Almada, 72
Bárbara Assis Pacheco
Liberdad (
Freedom), 2021

Au Petit Peintre

R. de São Nicolau, 104
João Paulo Feliciano
Montra de Loja com História de Arte (
Shop Window with History of Art), 2021

Drogaria Central

R. da Prata, 192
João Queiroz
S/título (
Untitled), 2021

Casa Macário

Rua Augusta, 272
Tomás Cunha Ferreira
Bombolé, 2021

Sapataria A Deusa

R. 1º de Dezembro, 9
Fernão Cruz
Corpo e Plinto(Body and Plinth), 2021

Joalharia Ferreira Marques

Praça do Rossio, 7/9
Miguel Palma
Tempo Morto (Dead Time), 2021

Manteigaria Silva

R. D. Antão de Almada, 1 C e D
Fernanda Fragateiro
Não Esquecer
(Don’t Forget), 2021

Chapelaria Azevedo Rua

Praça D. Pedro IV, 73
Eugénia Mussa
Modalidade de Estado
(Modality of State),2021

Casa Buttuller

R. Bairros Queirós, 37, 39
Modalidade de Estado
(Modality of State), 2021

several prints in front of a window overlooking Lisbon
O Mundo do Livro - shop with history ©José Frade