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8 May, 2020

Winner of the 2020 Contest of Grande Marcha de Lisboa

‘Amália é Lisboa’ is the title of the winner of the 2020 Contest of Grande Marcha de Lisboa and, exceptionally, it will be presented at next year’s Lisbon Festivies.
A total of 42 entries were received in this edition of the competition, 17 more than last year, the theme, with lyrics by Joaquim Isqueiro and music by José Reza, was chosen by the jury composed this year of Renato Júnior (representing the Portuguese Society of Authors) and the musicians Carlos Mendes and Rita Guerra.
After winning the 2009 contest, Joaquim Isqueiro and José Reza now repeat the victory. Born in Lisbon, they share their professional life with music, “a hobby of always”. In the case of José Reza, the “hobby” goes a little further, having recorded several tracks, the first in the 1970s, accompanied by the Quartet 1111. At that time, he even shared the stage with Amália Rodrigues in a television programme, the same artist who now serves as his inspiration.
This year, in addition to the compulsory theme – “Lisbon” – the lyrics of the composition were inspired by “Amália Rodrigues” in a tribute to the diva of Fado to mark the centenary of her birth.
This competition, organised by EGEAC – Empresa de Gestão de Equipamentos e Animação Cultural, has been running for more than 20 years and aims to select a composition (music and lyrics), whose attributes, both literary and musical, best characterise the city of Lisbon, awarding the winner each year with a prize of €5,500.
Due to the cancellation of this year’s Lisbon Festivals because of the coronavirus pandemic, the winning composition will be presented and interpreted by all participants in the exhibitions and the Marchas Populares parade, as part of the 2021 Lisbon Festivities.