Christian Mouraria
Igreja de São Cristóvão, built during the 17th century, survived the earthquake of 1755. Set in the heart of the moorish quarter, it houses more than 30 paints from Bento Coelho da Silveira and images from the 16th and 17th centuries.
June 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30
Guided Tours to the christian moorish
A two hours guided walk through the streets of the moorish quarter, that starts at Igreja da Nossa Senhora da Saúde, continues to Colégio dos Meninos Órfãos, Ermida das Olarias, Coleginho – the world's first Jesuit's house and ends at São Cristóvão.
The tour also takes place in July and August.
June 5, 14, 21 and 28
Visits to the reconstruction work
A visit to Igreja de São Cristóvão guided by the people who are reconstructing the seiling and the outside wall.
The tour also takes place in July and August.
Starting June 5
Igreja de Santa Cruz do Castelo
Reconstructed after the earthquake of 1755, Igreja de Santa Cruz do Castelo is believed to be the oldest church in Lisbon. It was in that same spot that the Crusaders built the first church after conquering the Castle. The tower of Igreja de São Cristóvão is set in the wall of the Castle and has a scenic view of the city.
Starting June 5, between 9am and 9pm, it will be possible to visit the church and climb to the tower.