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22 March, 2023

Contemporary art in traditional stores

suggested route map

Over the next days, the Plastic Artists – Stores with History Project turns some of the city’s centenary stores into small art galleries.

Until the 22nd of April, between Largo do Rato and Largo do Chiado, an outdoor exhibition route formed by 10 works conceived especially for this exhibition by 10 guest artists, distributed by 10 historic shop windows is proposed. An initiative developed by EGEAC, in collaboration with the Stores with History Project by the Lisbon City Council.

Original pieces of contemporary art interact with traditional trade, bringing together artists from different generations and crossing techniques and materials as diverse as leds, clay, stones, mirrors, porcelain and video projection, between painting, sculpture and installation.

Inspired by the existence and memory of the stores, together with their assets, the works aim to draw attention to the cultural and historical heritage of the city and to enhance the intersection of audiences, thus adding a new chapter to the long history of these iconic spaces.

The works of the 2023 edition of the Plastic Artists – Stores with History Project can be visited individually or together, in an original artistic itinerary.


1. Papelaria Fernandes
Largo do Rato, 13 A/B
Cristina Ataíde(n.1951)
Let’s draw and SEE?, 2023

2. Príncipe Real Enxovais
Rua da Escola Politécnica, 12
Daniela Ribeiro (n.1972)

3. Solar Antiguidades
Rua D. Pedro V, 68-70
Luísa Ferreira (n.1961)
How long have you been working here?, 2023

4. Padaria São Roque
Rua D. Pedro V, 57
Hugo Brazão (n.1989)
Canis Pistor, 2023

5. Caza das Vellas Loreto
Rua do Loreto, 53
Gabriel Abrantes (n.1984 )
Portrait(Ghost), 2020

6. Farmácia Barreto
Rua do Loreto, 24-30
Sara Bichão  (n.1986 )
Horizontal Time, 2023

7. Farmácia Andrade
Rua do Alecrim, 125-127
Daniela Krtsch (n.1972)
Hands on, 2023

8. Vista Alegre (Chiado)
Largo do Chiado, 20-23
André Romão (n.1984 )
“shop signs”, 2023

9. Barbearia Campos
Largo do Chiado, 4
Manuel João Vieira (n.1962)
Portugal and the Future, 2023

10. Pastelaria Benard
Rua Garrett, 104
Teresa Segurado Pavão (n.1957)
“fine assortment“, 2023


suggested route map