LU.CA´s 1st Anniversary

The first anniversary of LU.CA is on World Children’s Day. As they’re both good reasons to celebrate, we’ve drawn up a free, three-day programme for schools and families, which will take place in the different areas within the theatre and on the pavement of the Calçada da Ajuda.
15:00 Miguel Fragata Readings. Mezzanine
15:00 Avião EZ passage (Aeroplane EZ ticket). Street
15:30 -19:00 Workshops by Maria Remédio, Joana Leal, Rita Raposo and Belisa Sousa
15:30 – 19:00 Installations: Querido LU.CA (Dear LU.CA), O Som do Teatro (The Sound of the Theatre), Pontos de Escuta (Listening Points). Mezzanine and Street
16:00 Avião EZ passagem (Aeroplane EZ ticket). Street
16:30 Smashed, by Gandini Juggling
18:00 Avião EZ passage (Aeroplane EZ ticket). Street