Verão no Parque

Parque das Nações, next to the river, is the ideal setting for summer fun in the city. There’ll be stories and boats to discover, concerts and markets.
Um Parque de Contos
26 august , 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 september
Casa do Arboreto
over 3s (target: children aged 3 to 10)
Storytime in the Park!
Portuguese and foreign storytellers will be delighting audiences with their stories.
With Rodolfo Castro, Cláudia Almendra, Antonella Gilardi, Fábio Superbi and Ana Sousa Gabine.
Promoted by Junta de Freguesia do Parque das Nações and Associação Estamos a Pensar- associação cultural.
Concerto da Banda da Armada
23 september
Casino Lisboa
Free admission, tickets must be picked up at Casino Lisboa ticket office
for more information: or 21 892 90 00
Promoted by Junta de Freguesia do Parque das Nações and Casino Lisboa
Bazar no Parque
29 september
Passeio Adamastor
prior registration at
A market for recycled and second-hand goods, those ones that have been in the garage, in storage or at home for too long (clothes, accessories, books, furniture, toys, records or decorative items, for example), non-perishable handicrafts or recycled, sellable items.
for more information: or 21 138 80 54
Navio Escola Sagres
30 september
5pm – 9.45pm
Marina do Parque das Nações (Cais de Mega Iates)
Free admission
The Sagres School Ship will be moored in the marina between 5pm and 9.45pm and open to public visits from 6.15pm until 8.30pm.