Lisboa Soa

How can sound help break down prejudices and make urban spaces more democratic? With eyes and ears focused on the importance of difference, the sound art, ecology and auditory culture festival known as Lisboa Soa will this year revolve around the theme “Multipli.Cidades”.
Sound installations
> Quartel do Largo do Cabeço da Bola
Interdimensional Generated Space Marta Zapparoli (IT)
Special antennas will be installed in this small public garden to detect radio waves in real time within a specific range of frequencies, capturing the invisible networks of wireless and high frequency communication that pass through our bodies on a daily basis. This installation is an extension of the Interdimensional Generated Space performance.
BODIES AND SUBWOOFERS (B.A.S.) 4.0: DOUBLE R-45 Stefanie Egedy (BR)
Based on the idea and practice of a “vibrational experience” and the therapeutic effects of low-frequency sound and subwoofers, BODIES AND SUBWOOFERS (B.A.S.) is a site-specific installation using 4 J-SUB subwoofers and analogue synthesis. Invisible to the eyes, it allows visitors to be touched by sound.
Crackling Songs Vincent Martial (FR)
Set in a room, candles reveal their surroundings, as well as the process they themselves are experiencing, through sound amplification. An ephemeral installation that seeks another way of composing music, using material in the process of combusting.
Cookies policy – resonant cartography of music (im)materialities Joana Sá (PT)
This ‘fragment for an installation’ is related to the book and virtual platform a body as listening - resonant cartography of music (im)materialities by Joana Sá, which will be launched at Lisboa Soa. Cookies policy dictates the (non) rules of a (non) game where cartography and navigation are not opposing dualities, but dimensions of the same resonant process.
Dream Turn Jutta Ravenna (DE)
A project inspired by Portugal’s windmills and their unique acoustic manifestations. There will be several sets of rotating speakers in the room, placed on the floor, on tables and on the walls. The listener is the agent of the sonorous variation, depending on the journey they make around the room and their head and body movements.
scavation in 48 minutes Drawing in movement Cláudia Guerreiro (PT) Sound Rui Carvalho (Filho da Mãe) (PT)
A drawing created uninterrupted, recorded on video and accompanied by guitar in a single live take. An excavation in real time searching for light, constructing and deconstructing, excavating as if it were a cave.
Sounds Within Sounds Lisboa Soa
In 2021, Lisboa Soa decided to “listen backwards” and commissioned four compositions from four Portuguese artists, who immersed themselves in the festival’s sound archive. The compositions were released in CD format by Crónica and will be listened to during the festival. This is a work about memory, with an ear to the future.
João Castro Pinto, Efflux
Sara Pinheiro, Do que Ressoa
Mestre André, No Earlids
Ana Guedes, Splicing_archives_
Recordings by Mestre André and José Bica, Sound Directo: Hélder Nelson.
Photos by Vera Marmelo. Master and design by Miguel Carvalhais
Commissioned by Raquel Castro
> Carpintarias de São Lázaro
Darkless - A journey of Acoustic Embodiment Rudolfo Quintas (PT)
A research project and artistic creation characterised by the participation and collaboration of blind people in the digital arts creation process, enabling the discovery of new sensations. The exhibition brings together, for the first time, a collection of immersive and interactive installations, including Black Hole; a new interactive and luminous version of the work Can I Hear You Dance?; the film SONIAL; the workshop Blind Sounds and a dinner-performance, providing a broader overview of this artistic research.
Concerts and Performances
24 August
> Quartel do Largo do Cabeço da Bola
5 pm Official opening LISBOA SOA 2023
Guided tour of the installations in the company of the artists
7 pm Microexplosive Road Vincent Martial (FR) and Gwendolin Robin (BE)
Through the microscopic exploration of matter in transformation, Martial and Robin share with us amplified processes of metamorphosis to create a performative universe, in which visual art and sound art mix. Explosive materials, dry ice, stones, glass and candles emerge from microphenomena in a space-time that tests the audience's sensibilities.
> Carpintarias de São Lázaro
9.30 pm Inauguration of the Exhibition Darkless - A journey of Acoustic Embodiment Rudolfo Quintas (PT)
Rudolfo Quintas’ exhibition brings together several of the artist’s works, including Can I Hear You Dance?, an audiovisual installation that presents an intimate and inclusive relationship between humans and nature, and Black Hole, an immersive installation inspired by the imagery of and human relationships with blind friends, as a space-place that deals with the linearity vs non-linearity of body language, and transcendence and intuition as an emotional cartography of the body.
25 August
> Quartel do Largo do Cabeço da Bola
6 pm Solo for Voice and Electronics Alessandra Eramo (IT)
With a collage of hypnotic soundscapes and voices, Eramo moves beyond sound into more visceral layers of poetic expression, exploring trance-like states in singing using extended vocal techniques, non-verbal vocalising, crude noise, melodies, distortion, fragmented words, and unknown languages. An immersive acoustic experience.
7 pm A Sub-Bass Dose Live Stefanie Egedy (BR)
How do interactions with low-frequency sounds and subwoofers offer new possibilities for creating, experiencing realities and perceiving heightened relaxation and stress reduction? In this performance by Stefanie Egedy, the installation is performed live and the sensorial stimulation will contribute to a common existence in the venue, through vibrations sensed by the body.
> Carpintarias de São Lázaro
10 pm Long Ways/ Milky Ways Rafael Toral (PT)
More than a piece of music, Long Ways is an infinite exercise on the electric guitar, in the form of what is almost a "non-concert". An exercise in vulnerability, which begins and ends, but has no beginning or ending. Long Ways "flows" into Milky Ways, turning the experience inside out, in a continuous flow from within the sound.
26 August
> Quartel do Largo do Cabeço da Bola
6 pm Launch of the book and virtual platform ‘a body as listening – resonant cartography of music (im)materialities’ Joana Sá, ed. Solar System/ Teatro Praga (PT) - with Joana Sá, André E. Teodósio and Raquel Castro
Are you there? Can you touch this?
(Listening is touching at a distance)
This book and platform do NOT use cookies.
Joana Sá music and texts,
Rita Sá video and illustrations
Ana Viana design
Nuno Bengalito web development
7.30 pm Dream Turn Jutta Ravenna (DE)
The sound of windmills is transferred from a computer to Leslie speakers as if they were instruments, physically transforming their sound.
> Carpintarias de São Lázaro
10 pm Interdimensional Generated Space Marta Zapparoli (IT)
An intensive research piece focused on the transcendental phenomenon of the Northern Lights and their voices. This performance uses outdoor recordings of natural VLF radio phenomena captured in Norway, in combination with the use of a crystal radio made by Zapparoli, plus light, detectors and motors, to simulate an audiovisual technological version of the Northern Lights in space.
11 pm The Crossing Tarek Atoui (LB)
A solo performance that brings together sound material recorded when travelling, recordings of industrial and natural fields in port cities and electronic sounds synthesized with his own software and interfaces. Atoui overlays these different sources, creating heterophony and endless allusions to the tarab of Arabic music.
27 August
> Quartel do Largo do Cabeço da Bola
6 pm Vanishing points Matilde Meireles (PT)
Sound is everywhere. Even in spaces considered quiet. To produce Vanishing Points, Matilde Meireles documented how some urban flows intersect with her own everyday movements and how she also contributes to them, recording the spaces she moves within in her daily life: her house, the train, where she runs and dense urban environments.
7 pm open the concrete so that the spontaneous springs up, and the concrete is heard Lula Pena (PT)
Ephemeral and site-specific sound composition, both plant-like and human. Located in the realm of uncertainty and harmonized as you listen. Presence and absence rhizomatised without a defined centre, in multiplicity.
Educational Programme
All workshops are free. Please book beforehand to secure your place for all workshops, except for the Hearing Underwater laboratory. For more information and to book, contact
25 August
> Quartel do Largo do Cabeço da Bola
2 pm – 4 pm Low frequency sound: an introduction to subwoofer properties, arrangements, and listening with your body Stefanie Egedy (BR)
A workshop open to professionals of all levels, listeners and non-listeners, where participants are invited to explore the acoustic and tactile perception of low frequency sounds. Egedy will share important information about subwoofers and provide examples of classic arrangements and how to optimise your setup in different contexts.
25 and 26 August
> Quartel do Largo do Cabeço da Bola
7 pm – 8.30 pm The City of Earthly Delights Martyna Poznanska (PL)
This guided walk, or installation, focuses on our multi-sensory perception of the world and how it is intrinsically entangled with non-human beings. Participants will be blindfolded and given short instructions to follow and perform.
26 August
> Old Police Headquarters building, Largo do Cabeço da Bola
2.30 pm – 4 pm Gambozinos Workshop Angela Martín, Nuno Torres and Tiago Fernandes / Musgo Azul (PT)
An exercise which challenges you to create some fantastic beings, in which participants construct a fictional, three-dimensional and sonic fauna and perform a graphic score using gambozinos as sound instruments.
4 pm – 6 pm Circle Singing Helga Kroeplin (GER)
A collaborative and playful immersion in sound and creativity, which aims to stimulate imagination, trial, error and risk, with fun and a sense of community emerging from it. Participants form a circle to realise improvised musical ideas. Rhythms, melodic phrases and sounds circulate around the circle, moving amongst the participants, creating space for surprises and individuality, allowing for changes and new ideas at every moment.
26 and 27 August
> Quartel do Largo do Cabeço da Bola
2 pm – 6 pm Hearing underwater Fish Bioacoustics Lab, FCUL (PT)
There isn’t normally silence underwater. But what sounds exist beyond those produced by whales and dolphins?
Activity promoted by Fish Bioacoustics Lab (MARE and CE3C - FCUL)
2 pm – 6 pm Performing Listening Davide Tidoni (IT)
Through a series of exercises based on spatial listening, psychoacoustics and sound-guided movements, this workshop focuses on the active role of the listener and their ability to perceive and engage with the sound. People with experience in dance and movement practices are encouraged to attend.
27 August
> Quartel do Largo do Cabeço da Bola
2.30 pm – 4 pm Seed Bomb Workshop Angela Martín, Nuno Torres and Tiago Fernandes / Musgo Azul (PT) A sound game on an amplified table, with different seed containers and a resonant lid.
4.30 pm – 5.30 pm Field Recordings: a manifesto – open conversation Sara Pinheiro (PT)
Field Recordings: a manifesto explores the political implications of field recordings (FRs) in relation to sound ecology, education, art and technology. A lecture and open conversation that aims to raise questions and increase awareness.
> Carpintarias de São Lázaro
3 pm – 6 pm Blind Sounds Rudolfo Quintas (PT)
An Inclusive Interactive Music Workshop for Blind and Non-Blind People, where participants experience the creation of interactive music together through body movement. The workshop follows a methodology consisting of exercises that enable the creation of a new mental image of the body, made possible by sound immersion.
Detailed programme at and @lisboasoa (FB and IG)