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In 2024, we will reinforce the renewing spirit that guided the company’s activity in 2023, maintaining the appreciation and recognition of its human capital as its backbone. This mission will be based on a set of strategic, transversal, and programmatic guidelines which will enable the development and execution of its activity plan, with the involvement of its organic units, creating opportunities for sharing and joint discussion.

Strategic Guidelines

Consolidating EGEAC’s role as an enterprise which prioritizes the quality of service it provides to society and its impact on the cultural sector, giving space to innovation and ensuring the sustainability and excellency of cultural events in the city.

Communities and citizenship
Basing EGEAC’s activity on the idea that Culture is an integrated value and a factor for enriching communities, promoting loyalty, expansion, and diversity of audiences.

Establishing Culture as an element of inclusion, proximity and understanding, making sure that all audiences feel welcome at EGEAC.

Valuing human capital
Professional qualification at EGEAC will continue to be one of the key elements for the development of workers’ skills, ensuring that they can carry out their activities accordingly to the challenges they will have to face, which include the implementation of a new integrated management tool.

Programmatic Guidelines

Highlighting the main historical events that will take place in Lisbon throughout the year 2024, with emphasis on the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the April 25th, through a diverse and comprehensive program.

Consolidating the four central stages of programming and production in public space, strengthening the “Festas de Abril”, “Festas de Lisboa”, “Festas na Rua” and “Festas de Natal” brands. This programming will also meet the challenges of public and private promoters, following projects developed and co-produced in partnership.

Enhancing synergies between EGEAC’s Communication Offices in a collaborative organizational model with operating offices by type of activity and equipment, developing a more efficient digital and social media area, with the goal of attracting new audiences (national and international) in conjunction with the City Hall’s Cultural Communication.

Conciliating highly demanding mainstream projects with other projects and activities which impact on innovation in Culture, the development of audiences, and the promotion of sustainable cultural practices.

Promoting projects which generate knowledge, critical and creative sense, and citizenship education, namely through the establishment of partnerships with other organizations responsible for the city’s cultural life.

Developing projects which maintain and expand existing audiences, captivate new audiences, are accessible to everyone, and cross audience segments and artistic areas, thus overcoming obstacles to the enjoyment of culture.