With over 125 years of history, São Luiz is a living Theatre with a vibrant programme, and hundreds of sessions every season, with three performances per day sometimes, across its different auditoriums: Sala Luis Miguel Cintra, Sala Bernardo Sassetti and the Mário Viegas studio.
Opening Hours
Box office:
Tuesday to Sunday, from 3pm to 7 pm
On performance days, it closes after the show starts
When there’s performances in the morning, it opens one hour before the show starts
Online ticket office: teatrosaoluiz.byblueticket.pt
T: +351 213 257 640
About the space
As a municipal theatre with a keen eye for Portuguese performing arts, its programme is varied, challenging artists through commissions and co-productions in the areas of theatre, dance, music, and performative art, as well as holding debates and roundtables.
The theatre’s history dates to 1894 when it was inaugurated as the Teatro Dona Amélia, on the Queen’s eighth wedding anniversary to King Carlos I. It was renamed the Teatro da República after the Portuguese republican revolution of October 5, 1910, and was later called Teatro São Luiz, in 1918, after the death of its great patron, the Viscount of São Luiz de Braga. It functioned as a cinema and was acquired by Lisbon City Council in 1971. After a great renovation and restoration project in 1999, the São Luiz Teatro Municipal reopened its doors in 2002.